From GFG: This is a guest post by trusty, study reading, truth-seeking nutrition student, and intern Coco Noel. She spent a few weeks researching all the in’s and out’s of quinoa. She really had no opinion before I gave her this assignent but it seems that she formed one. I hope you enjoy this post…
Parasites,wild or farmed fish, hormone balance,underactive thyroid, high blood pressure, pain in hands and feet, fruit juice alternatives and Einkorn flour FAQ’s
Click here to listen to our latest podcast #3 Podcast Powered By Podbean Podcast Notes and Links: Announcements: Hello to all our buddies at Paleo FX! Check out the Free Healthy Life Online Summit: click here to find out more What are we eating now? Benefits of Maca and Mary’s Truffel…
Paleo and Gluten Free Restaurants in Nashville, TN
Because I have a gluten sensitivity I am always on the lookout for organic veggies and grass fed meats that won’t upset my system. By choosing restaurants that emphasize sustainability we can vote with our pocketbooks which will make this type of food more available for everyone in the future. If you have Celiac disease…
Is Lyfe Kitchen A Healthy McDonald’s?
Is Lyfe Kitchen A Healthy McDonald’s? Mike Roberts the former CEO of McDonald’s opened a healthier version of the restaurant recently in Palo Alto, CA appealing to people who care about what they eat and the planet. Roberts was famous for putting apple dippers on the menu at McDonald’s. The CEO is thinking big and…
6 Ways To Eat Paleo and Be Green
Ways To Eat Paleo and Be Green! 1. Buy From Your Local Farmers Market By visiting your local farmers market you can purchase food that is local, seasonal and organic. When shopping at a big grocery store we lose touch with what is season because the food will be flown in from thousands of miles a…