Homemade Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent – I always get freaked out by mystery ingredients and labels that I cannot understand on food, household products, etc. So, in further efforts to detoxify the house, I started making my own laundry soap about a year ago, and it actually works! I do think using a good castile-soap is…
7 Dangerous Chemicals In Laundry Detergent
Did you know there are more that 7 dangerous chemicals lurking in your laundry detergent? In my house growing up we always used Cheer and I thought it was great. I loved the smell of the clothes hot from the dryer. The clean odor was so satisfying that I never thought twice about how my…
6 Ways To Eat Paleo and Be Green
Ways To Eat Paleo and Be Green! 1. Buy From Your Local Farmers Market By visiting your local farmers market you can purchase food that is local, seasonal and organic. When shopping at a big grocery store we lose touch with what is season because the food will be flown in from thousands of miles a…