Homemade Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent – I always get freaked out by mystery ingredients and labels that I cannot understand on food, household products, etc. So, in further efforts to detoxify the house, I started making my own laundry soap about a year ago, and it actually works! I do think using a good castile-soap is the key to de-greasing your laundry. This is especially useful for our kitchen laundry as we don’t use paper towels but dish cloths that we wash weekly. I love this soap because it’s simple, lasts a long time, you can buy the supplies in bulk to save even more money, plus, you know exactly what is in your laundry soap. This also makes it easier if you are trying to figure out a skin irritation, then you will be able to rule out possible irritants fast considering it is only three ingredients. If you know you are irritated by Borax already, I have added a Borax Free recipe also. Happy Cleaning!
Homemade Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent:
- 1 Bars Dr. Bronner’s Soap (I prefer unscented so I can add my own natural fragrance with essential oils)
- 2 Cups Baking Soda or Super Washing Soda (I have used these interchangeably, and haven’t noticed a difference)
- 2 Cups Borax
- 10 drops Essential Oil of choice (optional) I use Purification oil from here
Grate the soap with a cheese grater or use the shredder blade on your food processor. Mix all of the ingredients together in a large bowl, except the essential oil, with a big spoon or spatula. Add the essential oils slowly at the end, mixing as you drop it in. Put in an airtight container. I personally use an old Tropical Traditions coconut oil tub. Use about 1 tbsp. per load or 2-3 tbsp. for heavily soiled items. Borax Free Detergent:
- 1 bar of Dr. Bronner’s (use any scent you prefer, or choose the unscented to add your own essential oil)
- 1/2 cup Baking Soda
- 1/2 cup Citric Acid, GMO-Free, Organic
- 1 cup Washing Soda
- 1/4 cup Coarse Sea Salt
- 10 drops essential oil or your choice, I use Purification oil from here
Grate the soap with a cheese grater or use the shredder blade on your food processor. Mix all of the ingredients together in a large bowl with a big spoon or spatula, except the essential oil. Add the essential oils slowly at the end, mixing as you drop it in. Put in an airtight container. I personally use an old Tropical Traditions coconut oil tub. Use about 1 tbsp. per load or 2-3 tbsp. for heavily soiled items.
Are you interested in learning more about Essential Oils?
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Debbi says
How do you mix it all together when you have a “bar” of soap? I’m sure you must grate it or put it in a food processor. Please explain for us novices. Thanks!
liz says
Thank you! My only question is- when you say to “mix” them, do you mean put all of them in a blender? I am trying to figure out how the bar soap gets mixed in.
mariam says
Caitlin- thanks so much for all the great recipes. I’ve been trying to get chemicals out of my life! But I have a couple of questions about your detergent recipes. One, do you grate the bar of soap or are you melting it and adding things (hope that’s not too dumb a question)? Two, are there reasons other than skin irritation that I might not want to use borax?
Thanks again,
Kim K. says
So, at the risk of sounding stupid, do you grate the bar of soap? I definitely want to try this as I have been wanting to make my own laundry soap for a while now.
Ann says
Is anyone READING the directions? The directions clearly state FIRST to grate the bar of soap.
Caitlin Weeks says
I updated some of the missing info later. Sorry for the confusion.
Lori B. says
This looks great! How well does it work with grease stains? They’re the main bugaboo in my laundry! I’d love to find out how this recipe handles those darn grease spots! Also, does it work in cold/warm wash water, or do you need hot water to dissolve the mixture?
Thank you!