I have recently become a huge fan of Jennifer Esposito after watching Samantha Who on Netflix. It is a hilarious show also featuring Melissa McCarthy and Christina Applegate, who loses her memory after a car accident. I later found out that Jennifer Esposito has Celiac disease and was being hassled by CBS for not…
6 Reasons to Go Grain Free
6 Reasons to Go Grain Free – We all love bread, rice and pasta and most of us grew up believing that whole grains are health foods. It is hard to think of life without them, but when people start to understand the damage that these starches are causing it is easier to “just say…
Suicide by Sandwich? 12 Reasons to Banish Bread
In May 2012 I attended the Low Carb Cruise featuring cardiologist Dr. William Davis. The cruise was a great experience where I got to hang out with many leaders in the health and wellness field. Dr. Davis is the NY Times bestselling author of Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your…
Paleo, Low Carb and Gluten Free Chain Restaurants: Eating Out While Traveling
Many people follow Paleo and gluten free diets because they have health issues that are exacerbated by eating gluten which makes traveling a challenge. The reason I am careful is because I have an autoimmune thyroid condition that is flared up by eating gluten, meaning my body attacks itself which makes eating on the road…