Happy Spring! It is starting to smell like spring flowers outside but you can have a great smelling home all year with a premium starter kit from Young Living (order here). Have you always wanted to get started with essential oils but didn’t know where to start? I am giving away the most popular premium…
Everyday Essential Oils: Purification Uses and Giveaway
Everyday Essential Oils: Purification Uses and Giveaway Purification is a great blend to have around the house to keep it clean and smelling amazing. I keep a bottle on hand at all times for diffusing. My husband also sprays it around his car to keep it fresh. What are Essential Oils and Why Use Them Essential…
Everyday Essential Oils: Peppermint Uses and Giveaway
Everyday Essential Oils: Peppermint Uses and Giveaway Peppermint is a great essential oil that really helps to increase my productivity. I like to diffuse peppermint and it fills my whole house with a wonderful scent that helps motivate me to keep working for hours. What are Essential Oils and Why Use Them Essential oils are…
Everyday Essential Oils: Valor Uses and Giveaway
Everyday Essential Oils: Valor Uses and Giveaway I love Valor, it is great for encouraging confidence. It also helps with a long night of restful sleep when applied to feet. I also like to apply it during a message or after a chiropractic visit. I especially like the smell of it and use it for perfume…
Everyday Essential Oils: Frankincense Uses and Giveaway
Everyday Essential Oils: Frankincense uses and Giveaway Frankincense is a special oil that has been used for centuries becasue of its health supporting properties. I love diffusing this oil whenever I feel nervous energy becasue it calms me down in an instant. I carry it with me and rub it on my wrists or temples…
Everyday Essential Oils: Peace and Calming Uses and Giveaway
Basic 10: Everyday Essential Oils I started my Young Living essential oil journey with the premium starter kit. Not only is it the best value, but it also has everything you need to get started with essential oils! Along with the diffuser it included the basic ten everyday essential oils: Purification*,Valor, Thieves, Frankincense*, Peppermint, Lavender, PanAway, Lemon, Joy and Stress Away and today’s featured everyday essential…
Everyday Essential Oils: Lavender Uses and Giveaway
I started my Young Living essential oil journey with the premium starter kit. Not only is it the best value, but it also has everything you need to get started with essential oils! I love lavender and I always have some in my purse. It helps with feeling overwhelmed. If I have an important call or meeting…
Everyday Essential Oils: PanAway Uses and Giveaway
Everyday Essential Oils: PanAway Uses and Giveaway I love PanAway so much becasue it is so helpful for an active lifestyle. I started my Young Living essential oil journey with the premium starter kit. Not only is it the best value, but it also has everything you need to get started with essential oils! Along with the…
Everyday Essential Oils: Joy Blend Uses and Giveaway
Everyday Essential Oils: Joy Blend Uses and Giveaway I chose Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils because I did a lot of research and found that they had the best products and a 20 year track record of quality. When it comes to essential oils, Young Living sets the standard for purity and authenticity. Young…
Uses for Lemon Everyday Essential Oil and Giveaway
Uses for Lemon Everyday Essential Oil and Giveaway I have been wondering about uses for lemon everyday essential oil (and giveaway). I got into essential oils because a friend of mine suggested the oils could support my health. I have been looking for alternative options and oils can be a great compliment to my healthy…