This recipe was kindly loaned to me by Lauren from from her new Induldge and Heal grain free ecookbook.
Chocolate Date Mousse Recipe:
1 cup plus 2 Tbsp Coconut Milk
6-8 Mejool dates (about 1/2 packed cup), pitted
(or 10-15 drops of Stevia Liquid for low carb)
4 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp. Grass Fed Gelatin
1. In a small saucepan over very low heat, combine the 1 cup coconut milk and the dates. Heat for 10 minutes until dates are softened.
2. Purée the coconut milk, dates and cocoa powder in a blender. Strain and press the mixture through a fine sieve to remove the bits of tough date skin. (omit dates for low carb)
3. Return the mixture to the saucepan. In a small bowl, combine the 2 Tbs. coconut milk and gelatin, let sit 5 minutes. Heat the cocoa mixture over low heat and whisk in softened gelatin until dissolved.
4. Pour into serving dishes and refrigerate until set, about 5 hours.
Makes 2 servings.
Introducing: Indulge and Heal eBook
Some of you have probably followed the great blog written by Lauren, a spunky 19 year old who is way ahead of the game when it comes to health. I recently got to preview Lauren’s e-book Indulge and Heal and I was blown a away by the beautiful pictures and the decadent easy to follow recipes.
It is a sad state of affairs where food makes children ill in their teens or even younger.I was intrigued Lauren’s story of having digestive illness at a young age and her dedication to finding her own path to rejuvenation. The great part is that she did her own research and found ways to heal herself with traditional foods and therapeutic diets like GAPS/SCD or Paleo. She didn’t just take drugs to mask the symptoms, all the while just getting sicker and more inflamed.
Why should you Indulge and Heal ?
Make this date panna cotta!
Many people who follow a grain free diet, such as the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet (GAPS) or the Paleo/Primal diet, do so to heal their body. In many cases, removing polysaccharides from the diet (such as grains, most sweeteners and starchy vegetables) greatly reduces inflammation and can help repair a leaky gut.
Even though a grain free diet excludes processed and starch-based desserts, it can accommodate delicious treats made with nuts, seeds, coconut flour, fruit and honey from time to time. While allowable desserts are not a necessity on a grain free diet, they play an important role in the healing process.
Health does not rest on solely on perfect nutrition. It also means grateful, joyful and vibrant living.
Occasionally indulging in sweets made with nourishing, real food ingredients makes a grain free diet more satisfying and enjoyable. Additionally, it creates a mindful relationship with food which fosters optimal healing.
How Lauren used a grain free diet to heal her colitis:
Ever since my ulcerative colitis diagnosis six years ago, I constantly learn how diet, emotions, and lifestyle fit together as the key to healing chronic disease. For four years, I tried to use medication to manage my colitis, but the traumatic side effects nudged me to reevaluate my complacent attitude. After reading and researching the healing power of nutrition and mind-body medicine, I realized I could cure myself… but only with complete dedication and determination.
The turning point came in August 2011, my first semester at college. Although I struggled to mask my health issues, I could no longer hide the hair loss caused by my medication, my dwindling energy and my shrinking confidence.
At the end of the fall semester, I headed back home, ditched my medication, and threw myself wholeheartedly into treating my colitis with nutrition, holistic living, and mind-body medicine.
The most important change was starting a combination of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet (GAPS). These grain free diets eliminated my debilitating colitis symptoms in a few weeks! I love learning new ways to restore and heal our bodies, and I have a blast sharing recipes and resources on Empowered Sustenance. Remember, eat well and heal!
Click here to view more ebook details
Special features of this ebook:
The ebook divides the 24 recipes into six categories:
- Baked
- Creamy
- Chilly
- Morsels
- Breakfast
- Drink
Not only are these recipes grain, dairy, nut and sugar free (and many egg free) they have been exhaustively tested and perfected.
And there are beautiful pictures: plenty for every recipe, of course.
Lauren has included pages on ingredient substitutions, ingredient sourcing, extra grain free resources, and an egg free recipe index.
Click here to view more details
Try this easy mango sorbet found in the book!
Are you Low Carb?
You can substitute non-gmo xylitol or stevia for honey or maple syrup if you are on a low carb diet. Lauren even gives you direction on how to make the recipe work with these substitutions.
What about food allergies/sensitivities?
My fellow allergic peeps, this ebook is going to make your day: all the recipes are nut and dairy free, and more than half are egg free! It even has two egg free cookie recipes!
Get the recipe for these chocolate ginger snaps!
What about GAPS and SCD Diets?
All the recipes are suitable for the later stages of GAPS, when baked goods and larger amounts of honey can be introduced. All recipes except the few containing cocoa powder fit into SCD.
I asked Lauren which recipe was her favorite:
“Personally, I think this book could only contain the recipe for Vanilla Meringue Butter Cream and still be worth the entire price tag. Tired of sad excuses for sugar free frosting? This honey sweetened dream is pillowy, billowy and GORGEOUS. Not to mention friggin delicious.”
“Of course, I’m partial to all the recipes in the book. Some favorites at my house are the Spiced Carrot Bars, Grapefruit Curd and the Banana Mango Sorbet.”
Great features about the Indulge and Heal ebook!
- Over 70 pages of nourishing recipes, beautiful photos, and healing information
- Recipes suited for the GAPS, SCD and Paleo/Primal diets
- 24 exhaustively tested recipes without grains, dairy, nuts and refined sugar
- An additional egg free recipe index
- Information on ingredient substitution and sourcing
- More resources for healing
- It is an instant download to your e-reader or Ipad.
Use this 20% off with promo code “Indulge20”
Click here to view more details
AlexKay says
I just discovered Lauren’s blog not too long ago! It (and she) are pretty awesome! As a fellow college student and young adult (21) trying to live in our processed world, I am so happy she found solace in a holistic lifestyle 🙂