Egg Elimination Results –
Many people have a sensitivity to eggs and some people are just sick of them. I hear from clients all the time, “I am so sick of eggs”. Many people are actually are allergic to eggs but they do not know it. I think everyone should try an egg free Paleo plan for about 30 days. I tried an egg free diet recently for 30 days and I had some promising results.
Egg Elimination Results
Eggs are a pain in the neck?
One reason I was motivated to try it was because I had two friends/nutritionists encourage me to do an egg elimination. Mary Vance and Beverly Meyer. Mary did a food allergy test a while back and it told her she had a sensitivity to eggs. I recently heard Beverley Meyer’s podcast on SCD lifestyle. Beverly said if you have a lot of tension in your neck and shoulders it can indicate an egg sensitivity. I definitely have the pain in my shoulders and neck (all the time).
Are eggs like grains, beans, nuts and seeds?
Many people with an autoimmune disease (like me) react to eggs because the white has anti-nutrients that are hard to digest. The yolk is the seed of an egg and it has enzyme inhibitors to protect it. Raw egg whites can inhibit synthesis of the important B- vitamin biotin, and can lower protein absorption. Some people react more than others to eggs especially if they have a leaky gut or lots of inflammation. If you are having problems on Paleo it is a good idea to take out eggs for 30 days and see if it helps.
What were my results ?
I recently eliminated eggs for 30 days and I think it had a real impact. The pain in my neck and shoulders went away almost immediately. That feeling like I needed a constant back rub dissipated and I forgot about how bad I always wanted a massage. I lost a few pounds and I felt a pep in my step that has been missing for a long time.
What happened next?
After my one month of no eggs it was Christmas and I went home to see my family in Nashville, TN and I started eating eggs again. I definitely want to try it again. I am planning to do an MRT allergy test soon so I can have a clearer picture of what foods are causing me issues. I used to think these tests were bunk but I have had several friends who have had good luck with this one. So I will let you know what happens.
No eggs then what?
If you didn’t eat eggs for breakfast what would you eat? The timeless age old Paleo problem…Well my friend Karen came up with a solution!
Introducing Awaken: 30 egg free breakfast ideas for paleo and low carb peeps!
Karen is a engineer by day and an awesome cook and photographer by night. She has lost nearly 100 lbs by following a Paleo diet! Way to go!
She told me she feels better without eggs too. She wrote this great book to help others who may want to try an egg elimination or just have more variety in their breakfast routine.
- Skillet scrambles with meats and veggies
- Easy no cook strawberry pudding
- Blueberry cobbler
- Bacon twists
- Breakfast pizza
- Pumpkin faux-meal
- Grain free granola
- Breakfast cookies
- Fruity smoothies
- Savory sausages
- Spaghetti squash hash browns
- Strawberry and blueberry crumble
- Apple sauce
- Stuffed mushrooms
- Zucchini soup
- Zucchini stuffed meat boats
- Chocolate smoothies
- Grits (my favorite!)
Get all these recipes and more in this great book!
More reasons I love this book!
She also gives a great chart about how to interchange sweeteners for gaps/paleo and low carb diets. This makes it easy use your choice of sweetener based on your diet. She also has a great chart on measurements for successful egg substitution.
Karen shows us where to source these great ingredients so we can order them from our couch.
She seems to have thought of everything: did I mention the awesome full page photos?
She also includes the nutrition info about each recipe.
Karen offers us ways to easily change up the recipe for more varied options.
She also has great step-by step tutorials for how to make chia eggs, cauliflower rice and more.
If you ask me this book is worth 3 times the price and it is on sale until March 11! Don’t miss it!
Click here to get the intro price of only 5.99 until March 11.
Click here to get the intro price of only $5.99 until March 11.
This post is linked to the Butter Believer Blog Carnival
Katherine says
I’m not tired of eggs just yet, I kind of love them. But I would like to have other options and try the 30 day elimination since I do have two autoimmune disorders.
Alicia S says
I purchased her e-book before I read your post and while I’ve not had a chance to cook anything from it I did scan it and has lots of great recipes.
My sister suffers alot from neck and shoulder tension. I’m definitely going to find out how many eggs she eats per week and maybe she can try going without for 30 days as you did to see if it makes a difference. Thank you for sharing this important information.
Hayley says
Have you looked into the testing at Entrolab? I tested positive for egg intolerance (along with gluten, soy, and casein 🙁
Caitlin Weeks says
I have heard this MRT is the best one out there from several people. I dont want to do any of them honestly, lol!
Lisa @ Real Food Kosher says
I had to eliminate eggs from my diet because of a rash near my eye that wouldn’t go away (an acupuncturist suggested it). Since then I’ve been eating it once in a while, but this is a good reminder that I should really do a 30 day elimination again to clear up some other minor health issues. I agree with you that this is more widespread than people think.
Caitlin Weeks says
Thanks for your comment Lisa! Eggs are tough because this is one of my favorite foods! I am so glad you cleared up your rash!