Natural Remedy to Kill Nail Fungus – Fungus usually grows from an imbalance bacteria in the gut. It is candida that is naturally occurring but it can overgrow and show up in unfortunate places like nails or toes. It is believed to become overgrown after years of following a Standard American diet including sugar, stress…
25 Uses for All Natural Peppermint Essential Oil for Body Care
My friend Vanessa from Healthy Living How has been telling me for how much she loves essential oils for the past few months. I recently got a starter kit and have been trying them out. Yesterday I diffused the peace and calm essential oil and it made me feel relaxed. It filled my whole house…
11 Simple Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
11 Simple Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally Many people are warned to reduce salt to control blood pressure but current scientific literature is highlighting that controlling overall inflammation will have a bigger impact. For best results cut back on refined sugars, flours and rancid oils such a soybean and canola oil. Enjoy a…