Skintervention Tips, Endorsement and Giveaway!
One thing I have been blessed with is great skin. I have had a little eczema around my mouth after age 30 but it comes and goes and is not so noticeable. I also have the skin bumps on upper arms that show if I do not get enough sun and don’t get my vitamin A (from liver!!). The universe spared me problems with facial acne in high school since I guess I already had enough to deal with having weight problems and many food issues. Many of my nutritionist friends have remarked on how nice my skin is and all I can say is count your blessing folks, some people would give anything for what you have.
I have met Liz Wolfs several times and she is a good friend. She is gorgeous but she acts like she does not even know it. She is smart too and a great writer. She doesn’t have the slightest bit pretense even with all her great assets. What she does have is an undeniable need to share joys and sorrows about a lifetime of problem skin with others. She found out the hard way that skin is a reflection of our internal environment.
I have had many friends and family members deal with severe acne the conventional way with Accutane or other harsh prescription interventions (always check with your doctor for advice before changing a medication). Some of them have not been able to repair the damage done their gut from these long term antibiotics. I feel passionately that we need to get the word out that taking toxic pills and potions is not the way to clear skin. Young people can do so much damage to their bodies before they start to understand how food will impact hormones. I don’t just mean chocolate and greasy foods but a much larger picture of inflammatory food toxins paired with unrealized food sensitivities. Liz helps us understand how the lack of a healthy gut flora and adequate natural fats will show up in whiteheads, cystic acne, dryness, and comedones.
Liz before Skintervention!
Liz After Skintervention!
Skintervention Tips, Endorsement and Giveaway!
I asked my intern Coco what she liked about Liz Wolfe’s Skintervention guide because she has a special interest with her own skin problems. Coco’s endorsement follows:
I haven’t had this much oil on my face since I was a teenager. No, I didn’t fall face first into a cheese pizza. The truth is that I slathered oil all over my own face…because someone told me that washing my face with oil would make my skin clear and glowing. Sound crazy?
According to the book “Skintervention Guide,” it’s not!
Nutritionist Liz Wolfe’s new book explains how you can get a beautiful, radiant body by choosing the right foods and the right body-care routine. How does using oil to cleanse your face fit into that? We’ll get there.
Liz, who enlisted the expert advice from Primal Life Organics skincare founder Tina Felber, says there are three things that are necessary for achieving outward beauty (and inward health):
Nourishing Foods
Anti-inflammatory, real foods are necessary for the health of your hair, skin, nails and teeth. Most of the recommendations are consistent with a primal or Weston A. Price philosophy: meats, vegetables, healthy fats, some nuts and fruits, healthy beverages, some raw dairy if you can tolerate it. The books explains how soy, low-fat foods and certain oils wreak havoc on your appearance, and why animal protein and vegetables are imperative. You’ll be walked through how to find the best meats, dairy and oils, and provided with links (oh, the magic of an e-book!) for purchasing some of the author’s top recommendations.
Included with your purchase is a helpful resource guide for finding specific food or beauty products mentioned, and a very simple list of non-intimidating recipes that even the most beginner of cooks can handle. The book is almost worth buying just for the recipes, which are perfect for creating quick, healthy and simple meals for one.
Just a few of the recipes you’ll find:
- Sweet Potato & Bacon
- Turkey-Apple Hash
- Easy Stuffed Peppers
- Taco Wraps
- Salmon Patty Salad
- Berries & Coconut milk (this is the recipe in its entirety: “You can handle this one.” You bet I can – but I’d never have thought of it on my own!)
Good Digestion
“If you can’t use the nutrients you give your body, they can’t make your body healthier or more lovely.”
I’ve never seen digestion addressed in a book about skincare, but Liz makes an excellent case for why proper gut health is paramount to achieving a radiant glow. She explains how to assess your stomach acid production (and fix it, if needed), and outlines how poorly functioning digestive organs affect our skin and health – and how to support them for internal and external beauty.
Safe and Effective Skin and Body Care
This is the longest section of the book, and for good reason: most of us are vigilant about avoiding chemically-laden foods, Liz writes, “yet we rarely audit the chemicals we put ON our bodies all day, every day, for our entire lives!”
What you put on your skin – your body’s largest organ – eventually makes its way into your body, so the idea that so many conventional skin and body care products contain harmful ingredients is appalling. At best, many of these ingredients are irritating; at worst, some are neurotoxins, have been linked to cancer, and/or can disrupt your hormones. Skincare expert Tina Felber explains the ins and out of skincare and advises us on how to deftly navigate the skincare aisle – even at “natural” grocery stores. Luckily, “Skintervention,” provides us with healthy, effective and often inexpensive DIY options to many traditional alternatives.
The book includes or links to recipes for easily making or buying many personal care products:
· Deodorant
· Toner
· Personal Lubricant
· Shampoo (or, rather, a “no-poo” alternative)
· Facial Masks
· Hair/dandruff Treatments
· Zit Zappers
How to lesson from the book: Oil Cleansing Method (OCM):
The basic concept behind this increasingly popular method is that oil massaged into your skin will dissolve the oil that has hardened in your pores. There are several options of oil you can choose from, and Liz purports the OCM is beneficial for everyone, even those with oily, acne-prone skin. As with the rest of the skincare portion of “Skintervention,” the oil cleaning method features three tiers for skincare, depending on how much time, effort and money you’re willing to invest in your regimen. The Basic Oil Cleansing Method (tier one) is as follows:
1. Massage oil on your face (jojoba, coconut, avocado, oil are all options).
2. Lay a hot (but not scalding), wet washcloth over your face for 30 seconds and allow the steam to open and cleanse your pores.
3. Wipe the oil off and continue on your merry way to flawless skin.
The Bottom Line
While neither a standalone reference for nutrition nor a replacement for your dermatologist, “Skintervention” is an outstanding resource and, in my mind, the best how-to beauty book available. A reader who is currently entrenched in the Standard American Diet may initially find Liz’s recommendations overwhelming – but the beauty of an e-book is that it’s always on hand and you can easily search for key words on your computer.
“I wanted healing, not a temporary solution!” Liz writes of embarking on her quest for healthy skin. Pick up a copy of “Skintervention,” and you will be well-equipped to begin your own journey towards lasting healing and beauty.
Get your guide today to start the healing for a permanent solution!
Only $37 for a lifetime of beautiful skin!
Win the Skintervention guide ($37 value) by following the rules below:
- Leave a comment on this blog post of why you want to win
- Subscribe to my blog
- Like my Facebook page (optional)
- Like the Skintervention Facebook page
- Winner will be picked randomly from the comments
- Contest ends March 30, 2013
kimmie m says
i would love to win to make a difference in my epic fail skin! thanks for the opportunity 🙂
Laura says
I just tried the oil cleansing method. Wow. Who knew!? I’d love to win the book!
Megan Fevurly says
I would love this book for several reasons. I have been struggling with acne since I was 9 years old – I developed and hit puberty super early. I am almost 26 – 17 years of acne is enough. I cried the week of my wedding because I wouldn’t have clear skin for all the pictures. I hired a professional make-up artist to specifically cover up my acne. I’ve cried on several occasions because it feels like my body has never moved out of that awkward puberty stage. I’ve tried every prescription solution my dermatologist would provide–creams, pills, antibiotics, chemical peels–to no avail. Last year I became gluten free for several reason and noticed it helped my acne slightly. Two months ago I went Paleo, and while I haven’t noticed a huge difference in my skin, people say it does look better so I think I’m on the right path. I try to use more organic products on my face but alas, there are still chemicals in them. As I am making the transition to be more natural and wholesome on the inside, I want to make that journey on the outside as well. Since using chemicals and antibiotics and other drugs have never helped, I feel that the natural solution and a Skintervention would be ideal for me.
Jennifer says
I’m new to paleo eating and eager to learn more from a skincare perspective!
Tiffany says
I would love to win this book because I have a daughter who is starting to develop into a young woman and would love to start her out with a clean and fresh look into being a healthy beautiful woman. I also have started having issues with my skin so it would be nice to know what to do to help clean it up.
April Brown says
I would love to win this! My husband is also intrigued by this because his skin has gotten really bad lately. He has a poor diet and was working around pesticides. He is actually contemplating changing his diet to help his skin. This will help us so much!
Sherry England says
I have ezcema on my face that looks like acne, itching, oozing, flaking mess. It will clear some then get bad again. I know my gut needs healing and that will help some too but I am desparate! My face is much worse than the pick on this post!!!
Rosann G says
I want to heal my & my family’s skin
Nicole says
This is exactly what I have been looking for. My husband is a chiropractor so we have been little by little changing the way we eat–I have noticed when I eat better, my skin gets better-ish, (was on Accutane as a teenager) but was wanting to learn exactly what seems to be in your book! I would love to win your book!
Yolanda says
I would love to win Skintervention for myself and my family!! We have been Paleo now for almost 3 years. Starting off more primal w weekly cheat days. We have now tightened our belts….cheat days are no longer weekly and NEVER ever w wheat! We have 3 teenagers who although eat Paleo at home arent doing so outside the home. Their skin and their guts show their cheats on a regular basis. We also have a 3 yr old as well as a 7yr old who has Down Syndrome. It is important to me that all my kids live happy healthy chemical free lives. I believe Skintervention can help me on my mission to “kick the junk to the curb” 🙂
Rebecca says
I would love to win. I would love to read more about the “no-poo” alternative!
Jeramie Tolbert says
This could’ve the answer to my prayers! I have very oily skin and cystic acne all over. I also have an oily scalp and suffer from dandruff. It has been this way for as long as I can remember in all of my almost 35 years. I have tried EVERYTHING to clear my skin, accutane, birth control, scrubs, masks, $250 brushes, retinol, antibiotics, and an array of washes and creams. Nothing has worked. I can keep the dandruff at body with head & shoulders but to not have to rely on chemicals would be awesome!!!
Regina says
I would love to win the book to learn how to correct problems that I have caused to my skin.
Ouida Lampert says
I would love to win because I am really trying to get unwanted chemicals out of my life – and commercial skincare products are loaded with bad stuff. Yuck.
Jessica says
I have dealt with adult acne on and off for years. I would love this guide to help me really get on track! I already subscribe to the blog (google reader) and I liked both your page and skintervention!
Wendy M says
Recently diagnosed with food allergies, crushed adrenals and Hashimotos disease, I am working hard to eliminate all unhealthy processed products from my home, including personal care items. I have super dry skin and would love to earn natural ways to fix my problems!
Christina says
I would like to win because I have these red patches in my upper abdomen that will not go away no matter what I cut from my diet. I’ve been paleo for over a year and am breastfeeding my daughter who is now getting red and dry patches as well. I honestly think this is the book that’s going to give me the answer I’ve been looking for. So, my fingers and toes will remain crossed! Thanks for this chance! 🙂
jackie says
I have adult onset acne, it is so frustrating and I have tried everything. Would love this b!ook
melissa says
I would love to clear up my skin and have better hair and nails as well, naturally without all kinds of pills, creams, and hormones
Heather says
I’ve started oil cleansing and trying to keep it all natural, but I want the rest of the secrets!
rebecca says
i would love to win this book because although i have already started with the OCM, i would love to hear LIz’s other advice for healthy skin, i love her!
Megan Lane says
This is so cool! I’ve always had skin problems and I have found that eating healthier has helped me, but I’d still like to learn more, especially in regards to the oil cleansing method, how interesting!
Amy Ayers says
I would LOVE to get the Skintervention Guide. I’ve dealt with exczema and dry skin for more than 20 years, and it’s pretty bad at this time of year (cold weather months). Acne is inconsistent, and I would love that cleared up as well.
Becky cook says
I’ve been trying to do this for a few months not, but my regimen isn’t balanced.
Lisa P. says
I would love to win this because I’ve struggled with adult acne for a number of years.
Cat says
I am always looking to learn more information on how to take care of my body, inside and out!
Hayley says
I would love to win this. I suffer from acne and other inflammatory skin conditions. I eat a super clean autoimmune paleo diet, which has helped some, but my skin is still not clear and I get really bad flare ups. My skin gets so red and I can’t even cover it with make up because it’s too inflamed, so it makes me extremely self conscious and ashamed. I really believe the info in this guide would be so helpful to me.
Jill says
I would love to win this book and learn how to take better care of my skin naturally!
Meredith says
Ah I have been reading up on all Liz Wolfe’s suggestions on her website and podcast, and I would LOVE to have the complete guide. You are right — her glowing skin is reason enough to want this Skintervention Guide! I want it for clearer complexion (who doesn’t?), but also to help heal the eczema on my hands and the bumps on my arms. I believe this could have the answer!
Kathleen says
What a brilliant idea–that digestive/gut health reflects through the skin. I’ve known folks my age (over 45) and my daughter’s age (under 30) that have had eczema, acne flares, and those annoying bumps on the upper arms. I am really looking forward to more information and techniques to use for better skin, gut, body overall. Thank you!
Hana says
I haven’t suffered from acne, thank goodness, but have recently had terrible bouts of eczema on the backs of my hands and forearms due to constantly wearing gloves and washing my hands at work. So far nothing has helped. I also get really bad dry scalp and dandruff in the fall when the weather changes, and have an oily scalp the rest of the year. It would be awesome to learn and use natural methods to cure these issues.
I am also a consultant for a popular skin care and cosmetic line (I won’t mention the name, but you know it because of the famous pink Cadillac), and after switching to a Paleo lifestyle and doing lots of reading on harmful chemicals and toxins that are added to most commercial products, I am skeptical about endorsing these products to other women, or using them myself! I think I’d prefer a more natural and holistic approach to caring for my skin to prolong its beauty and firmness.
I truly believe that what you take in has an outwardly affect on your body, so it makes perfect sense that if you eat like crap, you’ll look like crap! I’m trying to convince my 21 year old step daughter of this, who suffers from constant break outs, but it’s hard to break the cycle of poor nutrition when the advice I give falls on deaf ears. You can’t force someone to making better food purchasing decisions just because “you say so”, so sharing this book with her will definitely sway her thoughts in the right direction. At least I hope it will!
This book just might also help convince my stubborn husband to give up some of his “treats” that he refuses to give up on this paleo journey we are taking! Thank you for this awesome book and the opportunity to win it!
Kate says
I am a grassfed girl too, and a huge fan of liz wolfe! My acne has been a problem my entire teen and adult life. I am putting money aside to buy the skintervention guide this summer, but I would love to be able to begin my journey to clear skin confidence now.
Stephanie says
I need to know how to get away from traditional skin care products, due to the fact that so many contain gluten.
Carrie says
I’ve had skin problems off and on ever since I can remember. I’d love to clean out my pores! Worked hard on restoring gut health in 2012 and saw much improvement, but as I approach 60 I want to do all I can to improve my skin’s texture and appearance.
I shared on FB and Twitter. Thanks for this give-away!
JillT says
I need skin help! I would love to win!
Ivette says
I’m ready to get ride of all the chemical ladden beauty products but don’t know where to start.
Michaela says
I would love to win this e-book, as I believe knowledge is power. I love learning and reading and adapting. I think this book would be amazing to absorb!
Lisa McAnnally says
Acne has been a part of my life since I was 13. I had it bad, so bad that kids made fun of me. My mom took me to a dermatologist and I was given antibiotics which helped the skin, but caused yeast. My son was born with acne, baby acne is what the doctor called it. I had an Asian lady tell me I should have drank more water when I was pregnant and that I should give him water. I did and it did help him, though not entirely he has battled it all his life and is now 20. A friend of ours son had acne and they found what foods he was sensitive too which cured his acne and it was much worse than what we were dealing with. Anyway, we started doing that too and by and large the acne is much much better. My daugther, who I drank lots of water with while pregnant was born with beautiful skin and she is much more health concious with her food choices than any of us have ever been. She does have some acne now at 13, but she is constantly researching what foods may cause it more. I would love to have your book to help us on this path we are on to have better skin. Its a path I have learned from my children as I was never brought up this way and yet I had children who seemed from birth more inclined to look at food as a way to better health. They challenge me daily and I love it! I would love your book to help me to step up to that challenge more. Thanks!
~heather~ says
Would love to get rid of this nasty scalp psoriasis and ashy skin – I’m so fair enough already, fair and ashy is not a good combo. And OMG – why can’t I find products that don’t make me itch?!?! Definitely buying the books if I don’t win.
T BAYNE says
I am turning 65 years old this month and am grateful to be told on a regular basis that I look at least 10 years younger! I would LOVE for those compliments to extend into my ‘NEXT 65 years!’ 🙂 One is never too old to learn new ways to achieve health of body, mind, soul and SKINERVENTION!
Janelle says
I want to win because I’ve had problem skin all my life. Growing up overweight, eating the typical SAD AND having PCOS, I had tons of acne, and tons of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation that left dark marks on my dark skin. I can’t count how many times I turned down a social event or locked myself in my room and cried because of my skin issues. In college, I would wonder how people could stand to be around me because of my skin. I treated the acne and dark marks with OTCs, hydroquinone bleaching agents (horrible, I know), and tons of topical and oral antibiotics that I am sure have wreaked havoc on my immune system. Now that I’ve gone Paleo since August, my acne has completely stopped. I still have ingrown facial hairs to contend with (damn you, PCOS!) but that too is being handled from the inside with the hormone balancing properties of the Paleo lifestyle and from the outside with electrolysis. All I’m left with now are the dark marks and a blahhh complexion. I’d love to win so that I could improve my skin, finally getting rid of the dark marks and hopefully getting glowing skin!
Janelle says
I’ve “liked” your page, the Skintervention page, and subscribed! thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Shabnam Khodaparast says
Started my family on the paleo way and would love to win this to begin to take care of our skin. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.