Minimalist think that it is important to get rid of things that don’t add value to your life. This principle can be applied to essential oils too because when you are guided by the idea of keeping only the things that are most significant and minimize the rest through selling, recycling or donating.
Essential oils can be great for reducing the number of items in your bathroom and under your kitchen sink. They can do wonders for detoxing your home and personal care routine while supporting your health and wellness. This focus on living simply has been a great help to me for stress reduction along my health journey.
I have narrowed it down to the 11 basic essential oils each home needs to run smoothly for home cleaning, radiant skin and overall well being. Also the ultrasonic diffuser which adds amazing value because it has 3 purposes in one: naturally freshens the air, supports healthy respiratory function, and brings sunny feelings into any room.
When using these items it is so easy to streamline and replace countless other items that are not supporting wellness.
Minimalist Guide to Essential Oils
Frankincense: has been used since ancient times to support the immune system and for meditation, prayer and mindfulness, which is crucial for people with simplicity in mind. It can be diffused in a diffuser, put on the temples while breathing deeply (more Frankincense Uses).
Peppermint: Good for sustained energy and stamina, used in a post workout muscle rub, and healthy breathing support. Read more.
Lavender: Swiss Army knife of oils has over 1000 uses such as healthy skin and restful sleep, as providing calming when put in the diffuser. Read more.
Lemon: Great for laundry stains, room freshening and cheering up and good for immune support. This one is great for travel too.
Copaiba: This essential oil is resin based oil has its roots in the Amazon rainforest and was listed in medical journals in the early 1900’s. It is great for magnifying the impact of other oils when used together. Copaiba essential oil is known for its high levels of beta-caryophyllene and sweet smelling aroma.
Thieves® Vitality: This essential oil combines Lemon, Clove, Eucalyptus Radiata, Cinnamon Bark, and Rosemary essential oils to create one the most popular products. It has been used for hundreds of years and these ingredients synergistically combine to offer one of the key benefits of Thieves Vitality oil: overall wellness and support of a healthy immune system. Additionally, Eucalyptus Radiata Vitality may also help support a healthy respiratory system when taken internally. This is one oil I keep with me on every trip and I like to share with others in my family. Regular thieves can be used for home cleaning as well recipe here.
Purification® 5-ml: Purification is wonderful for free minimalist activities like hiking and camping to enjoy the outdoors without annoyance or strong chemicals in common products. Also it is great for pet smells and any home odors so you can throw out the slew of toxic air fresheners that are clogging up your cupboards. Read more.
R.C.: is a blend of Eucalyptus oils that are great for supporting healthy breathing and respiratory system. It smells like Australian forests and makes your feel awesome.
DiGize™ Vitality™ 5-ml: this oil blend is great for taking to restaurants. It is a blend of oils that support healthy digestion. I take a few drops in water before eating read more.
PanAway® 5-ml: This is great for people who workout a lot. It smells refreshing and uplifting. It is one oil to keep on hand all the time especially after long days of site seeing or urban trekking.
Stress Away™ 5-ml: This oil is great for anytime you are stuck in traffic to calm you down. Also it smells like a tropical vacation even if you are in the middle of a debt slim down. It has lavender, cedarwood, vanilla and lime so it will enliven your senses recipe here.
Minimalism is only purchasing things that give you joy and getting rid of things that don’t bring value to your life. These oils can be the key to supporting your health naturally while taking control of all the needless even harmful bottles and potions under your sink and in your cabinets. These have brought great peace and mindfulness into my routine and I wanted to share that with you.
Get started here with your premium starter kit that has all 11 oils and the ultrasonic diffuser.
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