I used to take a lot of supplements and it was very expensive. Many times supplements are filled with GMO ingredients and other fillers. It is important to read labels on any supplements for adulterations which is another reason I love this brand of essential oils – they are of the utmost quality.
I have switched over to using essential oils for many of my needs such as home care, immune support and natural skin support. I am actually saving money and keeping my family well.
Here are are some of the 11 Ways I Use the Everyday Essential Oils: diffusers, roll-ons, and more:
How are you using your 11 essential oils?
My Special Gift to You!
All new wholesale members in the USA will get 1 Essential Oils Guide and one diffuser necklace!
Get your kit premium starter kit HERE:
It includes all that you see here: 11 oils, a diffuser and more: