I am so excited about this episode of the Grass Fed Podcast because we have two experts in the field of autoimmune and nutrition. I met Mickey at Mission Heirloom Cafe in San Francisco when she came down for a Paleo event and we were fast friends. She has a laid back attitude that translates in compassion and caring in her approach to helping people with autoimmune disease. Like me, she learned the hard way how a vegetarian diet and over exercise can have negative, even lifelong consequences on your health. We both found out we had Hashimoto’s thyroid disease about the same time and felt compelled to share with others how they can feel like themselves again.
Mickey teamed up with Angie Alt who has a wealth of experience dealing with autoimmune problems, especially endometriosis. They co-blog at Autoimmune-paleo.com where they have courses and a podcast for people who want to heal holistically with nutrient dense food and a mindful lifestyle.
Mickey and Angie Bio:
More about Mickey and Angie:
Hi, we’re Mickey and Angie, the bloggers here at Autoimmune Paleo. We met in 2012 after guest blogging forThe Paleo Mom. We had each recently begun a journey of healing, with dramatic results, using the Autoimmune Protocol. We were both writing, from different sides of the United States, about the experience on our own blogs. The connections did not end there though; we were seeking wellness after wrestling with the very same autoimmune disease . . . Celiac disease (among others!). We quickly found in the other a kindred spirit and began a virtual friendship. In early 2014, after receiving certifications that allowed each of us to offer more resources to those fighting autoimmunity, we finally had the opportunity to meet face-to-face. It was then that we realized our goals, work styles, and individual talents were very well matched.
Over the course of 2014, as the Autoimmune Protocol community quickly grew, it became increasingly obvious to us that growth as individual bloggers was not sustainable and did not model the ideal pace we advocate for managing autoimmune diseases. Our commitment to “walking the walk” was solid and our love for the community had not diminished, but we needed to shift gears. That was the light bulb moment! We decided to combine our efforts and blog together at Autoimmune Paleo. Our hope is to build a community where anyone suffering with chronic illness can seek wellness and feel supported by a wide variety of resources specific to the healing journey.
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Show Notes:
- Why and how does autoimmune disease come about?
- The recent phenomenon of autoimmune problems being so common and the perfect storm.
- Mickey and Caitlin talk about the healthy vegan trend and why it’s not actually healthy
- Generational differences: our grandmothers and all they took on vs. the modern super woman/mom/caretaker to all
- the differences between paleo and autoimmune paleo – based on research by Dr. Sara Ballentyne
- the importance of community in your AIP journey
- How to exercise while healing
Get their new book!
The AutoimmuneWellness Handbook
The Alternative Autoimmune Cookbook
AIP Batch Cooking