I started using essential oils in March of 2014 and they have made a big impact on my wellness. I love the way they smell and I enjoyed using the diffuser that comes with the premium starter kit becasue it made my whole house smell so good without the need for candles or cleaners.
I was hooked on oils from the first month but I wanted to write this post because it was a little confusing in the beginning. I didn’t know how to get started. I had some very good blogger friends and other nutrition consultants who advised me and I wanted to help you to also make the best choice about essential oils for supporting your health.
6 Top Tips on How to Get Started with Essential Oils
1. Understand how oils can support your wellness
Oils can be very contributory to a holistic lifestyle and taking care of yourself through daily stresses. The reason I became interested in them was that many of my friends raved about how they helped their wellness routines. I have been looking into healthy alternatives for a while so I was ready to try something new for my personal care.
I want to make sure you realize not all oils are the same and many at natural stores are adulterated with synthetic additives to save money. Some oils are just for perfume and can be more harmful than helpful but this brand is safe and pure. Understand that these oils are not just for smelling good but they have proprieties to support health for all ages and stages of life.
2. Find the best source
This company has a 25 year track record of quality and purity. Young Living is the only company that has their own farms and offers the seed to seal guarantee which means that they have complete control over the whole process, including sourcing and pure methods of distillation in-house. Their farms are open to the public and anyone can visit them. If you call other companies they will say their sourcing is proprietary and they cannot disclose the origin of their plants or information about procedures. Many of these oils are approved as dietary supplements, the back of the bottle will be labeled, and are safe to ingest. Make sure to use with common sense and always use caution with young children. It is a good idea with small kids to use oils diluted on their feet and follow the guidelines on the Young Living website to use safely on kids.
3. Get a premium starter kit
The very best deal is the get the premium starter kit which has 11 of the best and most commonly used oils plus a diffuser kit and roll-on top fitment for easy application all for 24% off retail price. The diffuser can clean the air up to 600 square feet in your home and give a fresh scent that actually supports the immune system. It also contains samples of the anti-oxidant drink Ningxia Red that contains essential oils mixed with goji berries. When you purchase the premium starter kit you get fragrant samples to share with your friends too. Get your premium starter kit here.
4. Learn about your oils
When you sign up with me you get a free 400 page guidebook about how to use oils . You also get a diffuser necklace when you sign up that you can fill with your favorite oils that will your house with healing. Using oils can also be a gateway for some people who are overwhelmed by the thought of clearing their home of toxic product or changing their diet to be gluten or grain free. Essential oils can be a big step towards a healthy lifestyle without drastic diet modification. It can often be the gentle push people are looking for to start to make better choices for their family and themselves. Oils can help open our minds so we can make baby steps to support wellness.
5. Earn free oils
One of the greatest benefits of becoming a wholesale member is that you save 24% on all future purchases which can add up to thousands in saving over the long term. Believe me when you start using oils you will want incorporate them into your daily routine and will need to re-stock often. The key is not missing out on any discounts which is why essential rewards is so great. The way to do that is to sign up for Essential Rewards program where you earn points at 15% back, which is better than any credit card deal I have ever heard about. I earned $300 in credit towards free oils in just the first 8 months I was enrolled.
I was able to try a bunch of new oils for free and I also got 2-3 bonus oils every month I spent 190 pv (about $190) which meant I was able to keep the oils flowing! To get started with essential rewards just choose 2-3 oils (50 pv) you would like to get and enter your billing and shipping address and credit card. Remember you can change your order each month so you can always adjust for your needs. The virtual office log in system is so easy to use or you can call in to change your orders before your shipping date.
The Essential Rewards program is not mandatory to be a wholesale member it is just a way to maximize your bonuses. There is no contract and you can cancel anytime, you even get one month off every calendar year without needing to make a purchase. I find no problem ordering 2 or 3 oils a month because there is always something new I want to try and meeting the minimum of 50 pv (about $50) is easy. By being in ER I ensure that I never miss out on earning points towards free oils for my current orders. Plus you get reduced rate shipping that is fast and reliable! I find it a great way to trade out conventional cleaners, beauty products and supplements with oils that will support my health not harm it.
6. Extra credit:
Keep in mind that 93% of all people who get a starter kit use the oils for their personal use but some members want to take it to the next level. The first step is a passion and love for essential oils. The second step is sharing from the heart about how they helped you with 3 friends who would like to try the oils which will get your oils paid for! It is just that simple and the rewards go on and on! You can always contact me if you have any questions about how to get started or even schedule a call if you have questions. Just drop me a note on my contact page and I will personally answer your inquiry. Get started on your oils journey right here and start changing lives for the better today!
My Special Gift to You!
All new Wholesale Members in the USA will get an Essential Oils Guide and a diffuser necklace when they order the premium starter kit.
Sign up now!
That’s it! Congratulations!
Welcome to the amazing world of essential oils!
If you have any questions, please contact me!
Want to join my private Facebook group, email me HERE.